1. Imagenology Exploration

CT Scan, Ultrasound, MRI, and more… When exploring possibilities of AR/MR in medicine, it’s impossible to ignore its ability show amazing, 3D constructs

of different imagenology studies and allowing physicians to explore them in a more practical, quick, and efficient way.


  1. Optimizing Surgery

We’ve reviewed some of the most important breakthroughs in surgery with AR because it seems like the perfect tool to streamline certain aspects of surgery. The possibilities are endless, from improving O.R design to incorporating virtual images of patient scans into the surgical field in real time,all while increasing surgical precision and accuracy to minimize mistakes.


  1. Orthopedics and Prosthetic Simulation/Implantation

Augmented reality is currently being explored as the potential perfect medium to improve this category for several specialties that rely on prosthetics and osseous fixation materials. As you can see here, it is being used right now with fantastic results.


  1. Medical Education

We’ve seen it almost everywhere, with apps like INSIGHT


we use AR as an invaluable teaching tool. Almost every area of study is taking advantage of the power of Augmented Reality, but our focus is in medicine, and we think that learning medicine is going to become a lot easier in the near future thanks to the realistic, low-cost, low-risk, hands-on simulations of AR.


  1. Vascular Access Training

Whether you’re talking about central or peripheric, Augmented Reality has got your back! Accuvein,

which helps healthcare personnel locate veins for peripheral blood samples, and studies like this one which helps doctors learn to place a central line, are making vascular access more approachable and easier to learn for doctors in training.


  1. Physiotherapy

There are almost INFINITE uses for Augmented reality in physiotherapy. From Parkinson’s Disease to injury recovery, AR is infiltrating the world of physical therapy, making it more practical, effective, and fun.


  1. Psychotherapy

Augmented reality is becoming a trend in helping patients with psychological and cognitive disorders. Autistic spectrum disorder, anxiety disorder, and general stress are just a few of the conditions being studied and treated using Augmented Reality as part of the patient’s therapy.


  1. Hemodynamics

AR is becoming an important tool in the evolution hemodynamics, or the forces of blood flow. While fluoroscopy carries risk, the alternatives of ultrasound and CT Scan have never been proven to be quite as accurate. Right now, AR is changing that with several studies that are currently in the works. It’s only a matter of time until AR imaging techniques are adopted as the method of choice for this kind of procedure.


  1. Improving Quality of Life

Studies have been done regarding AR reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation in the elderly and disabled, and even to give these often secluded groups of people new ways of communication. AR has the potential to make video chats more personal, intimate, and user-friendly, which will enhance the experience and potentially improve the quality of life for demographics who often report high rates of depression and isolation.


  1. Surgical Broadcasting

While the argument could be made that this is just medical teaching, surgical broadcasting has the potential to go beyond just training new doctors. Being able to connect doctors of different specialties and even the most talented, cutting-edge physicians of the same specialty from all around the world can broaden the horizons of even physicians who have been practicing for many years. Augmented Reality levels the playing field with virtual O.R.s, facilitating idea-sharing and even allowing AR collaboration through robotic surgery.


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